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最后更新: 2017-12-06 17:34

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是否有现货: 认证: SGS
材质: 氟橡胶 特性: 耐高温、耐油、耐磨、耐老化、耐酸碱、防水、防油
产量: 100000000


  1. 耐温性好,连续工作温度-140至360
  2. 表面摩擦系数小,绝缘性好。
  3. 抗粘性好,易于清洗附着其表面的各种油渍、污点和其他附着物。
  4. 耐腐蚀性好,耐各种强酸强碱,不易燃烧,耐老化。
  1. 用于加热食品的垫片、烤盘片、微波垫片。
  2. 抗粘的衬片、垫片、蒙布等。
  3. 根据厚度不同,用于各种烘干机械的输送带、粘合带、封口机等。
  4. 用于各种石油化工管道的抗腐蚀包覆、电子电气的绝缘、耐高温包覆材料、电厂废气的环保脱硫等。
PTFE fiberglass fabric:Features of PTFE fiberglass fabric:
1.       Good temperature resistance. Continues working temperature is from -70 to 360.
2.       Low coefficient of friction (0.05-0.1) and dielectric constant, high capability of insulation.
3.       Non-stick, easy to wash away the adhesives on the surface.
4.       Good chemical resistance. It can resist all most of chemical medicines, acids, alkalis and salt.
It is fireproof and resistant of the weather and age.
Application of PTFE fiberglass fabric:
1.       Used as various liners to resist high temperature, such as microwave liner, oven liner and other liners.
2.       Used as stick liners intermediate.
3.       Used as various conveyor belts, fusing belts, sealing belts or anywhere need resisting high temperature, non-stick, chemical resistance etc.
4.        Used as covering or wrapping material in petroleum, insulating material and high temperature resistance material in electrical industries, desulfurizing material in power plant etc.
款号Item No. 颜色Color 厚度Thickness 最大宽幅Max Width 克重Weight 抗拉强度Tensile Strength 耐温范围Temp-resistance
G008AJ Brown 0.08 mm 1250 mm 165 g/ 130/120N/cm -140-360
G008BJ Black 0.08 mm 1250 mm 170 g/ 130/120N/cm -140-360
G008Y Black 0.08 mm 1250 mm 185 g/ 130/120N/cm -140-360
G013AJ Brown 0.13 mm 1250 mm 260 g/ 220/190N/cm -140-360
G013BJ Black 0.13 mm 1250 mm 275 g/ 220/190N/cm -140-360
G013 Y Black 0.13 mm 1250 mm 290 g/ 220/190N/cm -140-360
G018AJ Brown 0.18 mm 1250 mm 395 g/ 330/250N/cm -140-360
G018BJ Black 0.18 mm 1250 mm 415 g/ 330/250N/cm -140-360
G025AJ Brown 0.25 mm 2800 mm 490 g/ 410/330N/cm -140-360
G025BJ Black 0.25 mm 2800 mm 510 g/ 410/330N/cm -140-360
G035AJ Brown 0.35 mm 3200 mm 660 g/ 560/445N/cm -140-360
G035BJ Black 0.35 mm 3200 mm 680 g/ 560/445N/cm -140-360
G040AJ Brown 0.40 mm 3500 mm 780 g/ 820/500N/cm -140-360
G040BJ Black 0.40 mm 3500 mm 820 g/ 820/500N/cm -140-360
G065AJ Brown 0.65 mm 4000 mm 1150 g/ 1080/750N/cm -140-360
G090AJ Brown 0.90 mm 4000 mm 1550 g/ 1500/1250N/cm -140-360
G090BJ Black 0.90 mm 4000 mm 1650 g/ 1500/1250N/cm -140-360



